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Richard BoyantonOffline

    • Profile picture of Richard Boyanton

      Richard Boyanton

      6 months, 2 weeks ago

      July 21, 2024


      My thoughts over time, if removing the brain from a 70-year-old person into a 20-year-old body means life for the 70-year-old could go on for eternity or until brain failure.

      Could you imagine a new body with an old brain and the trouble this could cause? The operating system of the old individual who has been taught and has lived a lot into the body with little to no wear and tear.

      If we take this a little further, being a man for 70 years and then being put into a 20-year-old woman’s body or vice versa? I can’t imagine the outcome of the thought pattern of the older man’s brain with the robust body of a 20-year-old female.

      The other big problem would be getting a very healthy 20-year-old body without a brain. I have seen some socialist, communist, and Democrat types that fit this description by easily being mistaken as brain dead, but they claim they are basically alive. I am guessing we would have to get Congress to pass a law to define breathing, walking, and eating truly makes you alive.

      The future will let go of its secrets if we humans can not kill ourselves off or take ourselves back to hunter-gatherers. I genuinely believe we have been this far as humans a couple of times in the past, only to disappear for reasons unknown.

      “The doctor sees all the weakness of mankind; the lawyer all the wickedness, the theologian all the stupidity.”

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    Carl Boyanton