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      Richard Boyanton

      6 months, 4 weeks ago

      July 13, 2024

      I have met and known some men in my life that I hoped each time on parting never to see again. Some of these men were so evil that they ended up in jail and or were killed by others. Strange as it is, these men seem to have some semi-amount of charm to gain some women’s hearts. I had to deal with one that had my oldest daughter’s life in his hands.

      A man protecting his family has been given the right by GOD, if not the government, to take necessary steps to protect. A man’s family is the only thing after death that will survive his life; indeed, it is the only thing he leaves to know he ever existed. Steve Jobs put it best: all the money has no meaning in life at death. It can buy you no extra time.

      I listen to people say the execution of evil men does not prevent killers from killing; I’m afraid I have to disagree the man who departed never committed another crime. We know for a fact most violent men have a rap sheet 50 pages deep, knowing they were not caught on every crime, so the evil was only partially seen. The death sentence, even if very few were innocent, with their rap sheet, put them in this position.

      Love has nothing to do with violent men; it is a paper Mâché that will be washed away in a little amount of time in the lightest of rain. The darkness and evil in their minds can only be disguised for the shortest time.

      ” Evil does not come with sign-on its forehead, but it does come from the words of its mouth and action as plain as the nose on your face. The internet holds many truths, so before venturing into evil, you should see the damage it has caused in the past.”

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    Carl Boyanton